Our Roots
We all have a person, event, or thing that has become the root of inspiration to live a better life.
And when that inspiration begins to grow... You begin to grow, thrive, and flourish.
Before you know it ~ you have been transformed.
The root of my inspiration is my father ~ a man of unwavering faith who is no longer on this earth. When he left this world it was a struggle to regain My Focus... My Energy... My Love...My Drive
to see the positive side of life.
After years of struggling, a good friend introduced me to holistic medicine and my whole world opened up. I could see the light. I discovered a new and wonderful appreciation for all the wonderful gifts God ~ the Divine Spirit has given us here on earth and how these wonderful gifts combined with a powerful expression of gratitude can help us lead a more positive life.
So, I began creating gifts for family and friends ~ Baskets filled with a unique combination of gifts and herbs to help heal their heart, lift their spirit, re-ignite their energy, celebrate their new home or new life!
With every creation came a wonderful expression…A prayer…A combination of words that
helped lift the spirit of my friends and family in an amazing way.
The next step in this journey was to come up with a name that carries the essence of my mission.
What is my mission? Simply put ~ To help people open doors to endless possibilities by bringing clarity and positive energy into their lives.
The name “Blessings by Nature” is then born.
The next step in this story? A natural progression where I walk outside of my familiar circle of life and share Blessings by Nature with others.
So, in October of 2010, Blessings by Nature had its first showing and now the journey continues, with never ending fresh new creations and miracles every day.
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