Plant Power Workshops:
Plant Power ($25)
The “Life Gardener”, Paula D’Amico explains how a simple
plant can heal you physically AND spiritually. This is a fascinating walk through the traditions and beliefs spanning the globe over thousands of years. You will learn how you can help yourself tackle certain things in your life simply by putting the right plant in the right place and so much more.
* You also get the chance to make and take home your own herbal sachet.
Simple, Natural, and Powerful ($30)
Uncover the spiritual and medicinal history of popular plants & herbs. Learn about time-honored recipes that have been passed on from generation to generation for thousands of years. We'll have several recipes on hand for you to smell, taste, and more!
* The cost of this workshop includes a mini-recipe book.
* Several syrups, teas, and bath salts will be available for purchase.
Create Your Own Pot of Zen ($40 and up)
Create your OWN pot of Zen by creating your OWN succulent arrangement. The “Life Gardener”, Paula D’Amico will guide you through the steps of creating your own pot of abundance, caring for your new green friend(s), and more. Not only will we talk about the healthy reasons why a succulent is great to have in your life but the spiritual side as well. You’ll find out just how powerful this little
plant is!
* The cost of this workshop includes all supplies.
* Additional items will be available for purchase.
Create Your Own Chakra Garden ($45)
Have you ever heard of a Chakra Garden?
It's an amazing healing tool created for YOU, by YOU.
The “Life Gardener”, Paula D’Amico, will walk you through understanding, designing, and building YOUR OWN version of this healing tabletop garden. Your garden will have live plants, crystals
and more.
* The cost of this workshop includes all supplies.
Creating Balance Inside and Outside ($25)
What you plant outside is just as important as what you plant inside!
The “Life Gardener”, Paula D’Amico walks you through how to
create several different gardens. You can use these gardens to
help balance you and your home. We’ll even be doing a little gardening on the spot!!
* The cost includes a peat pot filled with soil and seeds chosen and
planted by you.
Planting Abundance and Prosperity ($25)
Together we will discover how a plant, herb, grain, resin, and/or mineral can help bring abundance, prosperity, and success into your life. The “Life Gardener” Paula D’Amico will share her knowledge on specific plants, where they should be placed in your home, and how
to care for your new green friends.
* The cost of this workshop includes a sachet of prosperity created by you.
Power of Water ($30)
The “Life Gardener” Paula D’Amico dives into the power of fruit and herb infused water and how it can help you get back on track.
In addition, we’ll take a closer look at the plants, you can surround yourself with and how they too can help heal and re-balance you and your family.
* Workshop includes samples of herb infused water and recipes
* Paula will also bring mason jars you can fill up and take home for you to enjoy and then use again when creating your own herbal infused water!
Power of Meditation ($30)
Meditation is a life-changing tool to better health. The “Life Gardener” Paula D’Amico combines the power of plants and meditation with a walk through all four seasons using the power of words, sounds of nature, and the essence of living plants and herbs to create a unique and healing experience. This incredibly uplifting workshop will leave you recharged, re-energized, and ready to embrace the day in a
whole new way.
* Workshop includes a copy of the CD “A Walk through the Garden of
new Life”
Create Your Own Chrystal Garden ($45)
We all know crystals can help heal your mind, body, and soul... Crystals can ALSO help your garden become more productive, healthy, and beautiful.This workshop walks you through what you
can use to empower you and your plants spiritually and medicinally. Then, you get to make your own tabletop garden with crystals
nestled in the leaves, hugging the stems, and standing in the dirt.
* The cost of this workshop includes all supplies.
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